Monday, May 16, 2011

Referral Marketing Tip: Write Down Your Stories

Before television there was radio. Before radio there was books. And before books there were storytellers. The power of a well-told tale, passed down from generation to generation is the power that brought people together. Stories helped to form the beginning of cultures that have lasted to present day.

A good story stays with people and compels them to share it with others. This is especially true of success stories. Everyone loves to hear them and everyone wants to have one! And doesn't this align nicely with word-of-mouth marketing where referrals are based on thousands of individual success stories.

Referral Marketing Tip: Write down your own success stories

Think of your best success stories with your clients. What made her a perfect client? What were her needs? How did you help her? How is she better off after working with you? Why did she choose you?

Why write these stories down on paper? Most importantly ... so you don't forget them! Beyond that, taking time to capture these stories on paper will enable you to share them with your network. By sharing these true success stories, you are empowering your network to refer you more effectively. You're giving them a compelling way to capture the attention of a future prospect for you. The more stories you share with other people, the more high quality referrals you will get that are similar to these stories.

So ... get busy!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Referral Marketing Tip: Send a Card

In my opinion, one of our basic human needs is to feel appreciated. We want to know that our hard work is appreciated. We want to know that our time has made a difference. We need to hear our loved ones express how much they appreciate us being in their lives. We need to appreciate our customers in order to keep them as customers. And, we need to appreciate our referral sources for the energy they give to helping us grow our businesses.

Appreciation is critical to our success as human beings. One company, Send Out Cards, has made it easy to extend our appreciation to the people in our lives. In a nutshell, it's a real card system that is accessed through the computer. The options, features, and possibilities are endless but the point is that it makes appreciation easy.

Referral Marketing Tip:
Find a Send Out Cards representative and join the system. (If you need a rep, contact me and I'll connect you). Begin making appreciation a part of your every day. Show people how much you appreciate their efforts to help your business. If you want to see more referrals coming in your direction, make a plan to send more cards in the opposite direction ... away from you and back to your network.