Monday, September 26, 2011

Referral Marketing Tip: Treat your clients like referral partners

Small business owners expect to get referrals from their clients, right? Don't you have the same expectation? Well, if you want referrals from your cients, perhaps it's time for a shift in your thinking. Right now, I can guarantee that you're focused on treating your clients well so they stay with you and hopefully refer you too. The shift in thinking involves realizing you've also got to begin treating your clients like genunine referral partners in order for them to refer you regularly.

What does it mean to treat them like referral partners? In a nutshell, you've got to take the time to teach them how to refer you. Experiencing your product or service is not the same as knowing how to find you a business opportunity. You need to lead this relationship to produce the results you want.

Referral Marketing Tip:
It's no secret that if you ask someone to do something for you and they think it's hard ... they most likely won't do it or will procrastinate a very long time. On the contrary, if you make it easy for them to do something, they will.

Apply this concept to your referral marketing efforts. One thing you can do is to create a template email for your clients to use to introduce you to people they know who would make great clients for you. This way, you're leading the interaction, you're teaching them what kind of verbiage you desire them to use AND you're doing the hard part for them. If they save this email in a file folder with your name on it ... any time they have someone to connect to you, they can easily pull out that email and make it happen.

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