Monday, April 11, 2011

Referral Marketing Tip: Ask the RIGHT clients for referrals

Why can't I get more referrals from my clients?

Some experts believe that the real trick to getting more referrals from your clients is to ask every client once you've finished working with them to refer you to all the people they know that could use your services. Another school of thought is to bombard your client database with direct mail requests. Still another is to offer great referral incentives to "motivate" a client to refer you to someone they know.

Referral Marketing Tip:

In my opinion, getting more referrals from clients is all about asking the RIGHT clients when the relationship is ready to hear and respond to your request. Referrals come from relationships ... not clients. A relationship needs to grow to the point of solid trust before it will generously risk referring you. If you honestly evaluate your client list, it should be easy for you to write down the names the top 25 best relationships on that list. Who are the clients you've become friends with? Who are the clients you can't wait to help and see again? Who are the clients that have already referred you? Who are the clients that bring a smile to your face? Who are the clients that you look out for and have gone beyond the call of duty simply because you like them so much?

When it comes to getting more referrals from your clients, this list will generate more for you than your whole list combined. They deserves your 100% attention. Make them a priority and set up lunch meetings with the first three. I bet you'll be surprised how much they will be willing to help you grow your business.

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